ah, so this is my first from work blog. i actually managed to get through the morning okay without making any huge mistakes or pissin anyone off. of course, if i did make a mistake no one would notice because there's no one here to tell me what to do!! woohoo! my boss is on vacation and now i'm in charge... wait, that means i've got responsibility now... and accountability... oh crap.
seriously though, this is the funnest job sometimes. the little kids coming in here are so cute. the pre-k kids are the funniest... they have the shortest little arms and legs that flail all out to the side when they run. and they are still like babies because they don't really bend their knees all the way, so its this crazy arm-flailing straight-legged galloping kind of thing. its looks hella fun. you wish you could run like that still. oh, just like that friends show, the one where phoebe runs. for kids, running is fun. you aren't obsessing over calories eaten or calories burned. you aren't thinking about how far you've gone or what your heart rate is up to. hell, you don't even care where you are going. for little kids, running is the best thing in the world because its free and its fun and you know, just know, that if you put out your arms and make a certain airplane noise that you will fly.
that being said, i'm getting a treadmill... i need more exercise and i'm a little freaked out by our workout center in the complex because it's become the local hangout for all the yutes (ala my cousin vinny) who either don't have cable in their own apartments or just go there to watch the shows they can't watch at home. its more of a playpark in there than anything and you can't really workout comfortably. so anyways, maybe it will end up being a glorified clothes hanger but hey, there's always that chance that it won't. and that's good enough for me.
gotta go try to actually work now.... try being the important word there.
posted by megs at 10:24
oh god... whah whah wa wa wa... its like charlie brown... goes in one ear and out the other... this funk i'm in is affecting my work now too... or my hearing at least...
of course, typing up transcriptions isn't exactly my favorite activity but on a ratio of time it takes to how much i get paid, it is one of my more lucrative undertakings... at least it was until today... not only do my fingers not want to listen to a thing i'm telling them but my ears are definitely broken as well. its bad enough that i'm not interested in a damn thing that these people ramble on about, but today i don't seem to be able to process it on my mysterious subconscious level... normally i can let my thoughts wander, have conversations in my head, put together shopping lists and type whatever comes out of the little machine all at the same time... but not today...
too much alcohol maybe??
i'm so tempted to curl up in a robe and slippers and eat cookies on the couch while watching feel good movies where everyone gets with their true love at the end... it might make me feel better... but on the other hand it seems like a disgusting waste of a way to spend a day. especially when it is my only day off for the next... well, for a long long time. besides, its not a very useful way to spend a day and i'm quite convinced i waste too much time doing nothing as it is.
and speaking of which, i'm typing here when i should be working... damn. i hate, hate, hate mondays... apparently they suck just as bad whether you are at work or at home.
posted by megs at 16:26
Today can be a tremendously productive day for you, MEGAN. You will find that you have more physical vitality than usual and that your stamina is extra strong. Action is the key word of the day. Big action. Don't be afraid to push through with plans that you have been thinking about for some time. In fact, these well-thought out ideas are the best ones to act on. Good fortune awaits you if you are willing to take the risk.
if this is true, why do i feel so blah blah blah?? i just woke up to a dawson's creek rerun that completely blew. not the least bit interesting which is strange because i just love dawson's creek. here it is now, noon, i've been awake for half an hour and i just feel so drained. i just about split my head open with a yawn. maybe this stupid horoscope is wrong. i've never read one that was more wrong... usually i can twist them around in my head til they apply to some situation or another and be like ah ha! that's what they mean... not today though..
in fact, i can't believe i'm using this to start writing in my blog again... this sux... i need to get outta this funk.