this has been running through my head the last week or two. ever since we all went and looked at the new place, and ran around like little kids going wow, look at the kitchen. wow! lots of cabinets and wow! look, fans in every bedroom! wow!! and so on and so forth. it just got me super pumped at the time. we hung out in the empty house for probably a good hour or so even though there is nothing there. and then we were gettin ready to leave, and it was after midnight, and someone mentioned the time and how we had to get home. and that's when i said it... and ever since i've been wishing over and over that it was true.
moving... what a pain in the ass. even with movers, it will be a pain in the ass. i think the hardest part is the sorting and packing. because everything can't go. everything doesn't need to go. some things will need to be thrown away. so you have to sit and sort through piles of shit that have accumulated over the last two years and memories just come flooding back. i don't want to part with any of it, but at some point you have to grow up and move on. and you have to purge all those ghosts of things that are hidden on dusty shelves and dark closet corners.
i wish that i was like Genie from bewitched. then i could just cross my arms, blink my eyes and toss my pony tail and BAM! it would all be moved and organized in the new place just as i liked it. things aren't that easy though. and with the wedding coming up next week, well, things are going to be hectic. i have today off, but then have to work the rest of this week. and then sunday through wednesday of next week b/c i'm leaving next thursday for four days for the wedding. so basically, working straight up until then. after wedding, it's one week until movers come. and i'll only have one day off for packing, which means the majority of it will have to be done in the evenings. then after we move, we have one week until our housewarming party the following saturday. so once again, unpacking and organizing will have to be done mostly in the evenings. it just sucks that this whole exercise will consumer the majority of my free time for the next three weeks. if i haven't said it before, i hate moving.
but it is going to be completely worth it and i'm really, really excited. really, the whole thing will be relatively painless for all the benefits there will be. dylan will love it. we have a backyard of sorts (on the smallish side) and we are going to put up a fence so that she can run around out there and we can throw the ball to her without her having to be on a leash. she's going to love it. and huey gets his computer room. and i get my art hole. everyone gets what they want and that's a nice thing.
so if you don't hear much from me in the next two weeks, well... you know why. i actually need to go get started on our room right now b/c that was my project for today. not to pack, but just to clean and organize our room and bathroom so that it could in theory be packed in one evening. why do i have a funny feeling that we will start to pack early with the best of intentions, get distracted and end up doing it blitzkrieg-style the night before the movers come?
posted by megs at 12:34
I'm a work, sitting on a high stool trying to take training on a low computer desk. It sucks and i think i'm getting hunch-backed and carpal tunnel. Woe is me. And my ass fell asleep. Damn wooden stool. Piece of crap. Normally my phone cuts me off right ab
posted by megs at 14:30
drinking makes me stupid........
and this isn't a new discovery. i'm just restating a known fact. it makes me very, very stupid. first, while i'm actually drunk, i'm usually obnoxious and a little hypersensitive. i get pissed off pretty easily and like to pick fights. i'm also loud loud loud, finally truly acting like a jansen. all these things are okay though... most people get like this when they are drunk. it's no big deal. it just makes it funnier to laugh at them.
it seems i had more trouble with the after effects. i know it's been awhile since i drank anything, almost a month, but i didn't think i'd be so bad. i had a horrible hangover. most extreme elimination challenge drunken monkey friday will do that to a girl. that has to be the best drinking game ever. i don't think we've ever made it through more than one episode. cap that off with a great game of BANZAI!! with everyone placing drinking bets... well, you see what i'm talking about. it was uber fun. i finally got to sleep around 5:30 in the am and had to wake up at 10:00. i woke up and i was sleeping upside down on the bed with huey's toe practically in my ear.
so yeah, right off the bat it was not a good morning. then i had to get up and try to drink water, take advil, and run around finding work clothes that weren't all wrinkled. i considered ironing for two seconds, but in my shaky state i knew i'd probably just burn myself on the face again (don't ask). so i threw them in the dryer and went to lay down. when i woke up again 45 minutes later (woops) i threw on the clothes which only got more wrinkled in the dryer and went down to jaylee's apt to wake him up.
we were late to work but that wasn't too big a deal. i was dying though because i wore a white shirt to work and the sun was just reflecting off it like mad. my head was pounding by the time we got to work. then i kept stumbling around, tripping over my feet and running into corners. the guys i work with thought it was funny. then the first person that comes in for the day, i do their activation, fumbling my way through it and having to keep correcting myself b/c i tell them the wrong thing. i finally finish after like half an hour when it should have been 10 min, and i send them out the door feeling relieved. half an hour later i realized that i never rang out the phone i gave them. crap, crap, crap. i basically gave it away. yeah, the guys thought that was funny too.
so after this my head did clear some, but i just felt funky all day. and considering that i didn't drink that much the night before, i think that clearly i am just getting too old for this shit. i can't bounce back the next day the way i used to. i wonder if those hangover pills on the commercial really work. i wonder what side effects they have. any pills that seem like they might actually be useful usually have crazy side effects like anal leakage or twitchiness. anyway, i think i'm drink free for another two weeks b/c i have to work a ton between now and the wedding. between work, packing for the move and painting the new place.... well, no time for hangovers. all this means i'll only have one good night of drinking in me for this whole wedding weekend. b/c after i get drunk and then hungover, i'll be done for a few more weeks at least. and this is fine with me, b/c it seems like i always get spilled on at weddings by drunk people (either myself or someone else) so this will maybe help with that. yay wedding!! i'm so excited with that and the move and everything. may is my favorite month, ever!!
posted by megs at 13:49
things are falling into place... sort of.
what is my major goal now? getting a car. i realize now that one of my biggest reasons for staying in the same situation i was in for so long (that would be no school and crappy job) was transportation. it fit and it was easy to commute. i look back now and realize what an extremely crappy reason that was. and it was entirely subconscious. as soon as the issue of a new job came up, the biggest deterrant i had was transportation. especially b/c it's in woodstock. once we move to vinings, it'll be even worse. huey will work in one direction and i'll work in another. when school starts this fall, there is no way it'll work. huey will be heading south to gastate and i'll be headed north for kennesaw for work and school. it has become very, very necessary that i get a car asap.
and that is good because it is lighting a fire under my ass to get it done any way possible. but it is also bad because it means that i probably won't be able to save up and get what i wanted... my jeep wrangler. i'm so sick of everyone telling me that i'm going to flip it. plenty of people drives jeeps and don't flip them. anyway, i guess everyone was right after all and it bums me out. but a car is a car, and getting to and from work and school is my number one priority, no matter how uncool my ride will be. knowing i can afford a car is the first step, and huey and i are going to sit down and go over a budget as soon as we get all the expenses figured out for the new house. with both of us in school and working... well, it'll be tricky. and a lot of work.
i'm kind of excited about it in that nervous, obsessively worried kind of way. i think it's all crazy... but doable. it won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. and that is something that i've always heard but am just beginning to actually understand. life's little lessons. huh.
posted by megs at 22:44
so the grand total for taxes this year?? $876 federal and $238 state. on top of the $2049 i'd already paid for federal and $776 that i paid to the state. that's a total of $2925 for federal and $1014 for state. all together, i paid $3939 out in taxes this year. considering i made $27,305 last year, that's 14.4% i'm paying out for taxes. i have no idea whether this is good or bad. in the big scheme of things that is. for me personally, it's bad. any time i have to write out checks for $1114 and mail them out and not get something really, really cool back, it's bad. especially when i didn't work for three weeks right before this and then didn't get paid for my first week at my new job. very... very... bad.
but it's done. it's covered. and i didn't have to get any money from huey. so it's okay. note to self: change my withholdings on my W-4 so this shit doesn't happen next year. cuz it sucks balls. cereal.
posted by megs at 01:21
if you want something done right...
well, then you pay someone else to do it. and you pay them well. okay, maybe not that well. but when it comes to moving and having to lug heavy things, like dressers, beds, a washer, a dryer or a treadmill up and down a bunch of flights of stairs at two different locations... i say, give it to the professionals. our neighbors moved out this past week and they had movers. it was like that two men and a truck deal, except they had three guys and a truck. they charge $99 an hour, so we figure they could have all our shit out of this place and into the new one in four hours. we talked to them and it is the estimate they gave us. since we normally spend about $150 on the truck alone, this seems like a good deal to us. so we are taking it. i'm actually relieved.
now i can just focus on packing. i need lots and lots of boxes. and that huge roll of plastic wrap stuff they use at home depot to wrap doors and things to the top of your car. i'm good at packing and figure i could do a room a night. any large boxes that are ready can go with the movers. everything else we'll take over ourselves. we've also looked into paint. the wall of wood in the living room is still a dilemma, but we think that we can actually detract from it rather nicely with the perfect beige color. something neutral for sure. jaylee and i walked around lowe's the other day and looked at things for a wishlist for the house. he wanted an air compressor thing for tools or something. me... i got stuck in the compound mitre saw aisle.
now what would a girl like me do with a compound mitre saw? well, make compound cuts of course. and i'd cut up just about anything. one thing's for sure... no scrap piece of wood would be safe in our house. i guess it's just one of those things that has still carried over from my days of watching trading spaces. they build all that super cool shit, and everything they build required a compound mitre saw it seems. well, we'll see. we also looked at some kick ass grills for our new patio, and possible new washer and dryers. because yeah, we are just swimming in money right now. or maybe not. hey, i said it was a wish list.
and speaking of trading spaces, i got up this morning (my day off) expecting to watch some DC. and i went to the replay and realized... oh my god. i've looped all the way through. i've watched the entire dawson's creek, beginning to end, in the last couple of months. huh. so i did the unthinkable. i deleted those replay channels. then added trading spaces. and i'll probably add some other design shows too. and maybe good eats. i love that show. it's a practical cooking show that appeals to science geeks. anyway, i just couldn't justify dedicating 10 hours of a 40 hour replay box to my one show... specially since i've already seen it all. others shows needing to be erased... just shoot me and spin city if they are still on there. what a waste of space.
and stil, still, still i have this damn transcription to get done. i already have the check for it, but i feel guilty going to cash it because i haven't actually finished it. but i need to cash it because it is supposed to cover the very big checks i mailed out on april 15th for taxes. so yeah, this is kind of an urgent need here, which is why i'm typing here instead. i usually don't actually take action on something until it is pretty much too late. then when i get it done i feel like superwoman!! or something like that. and if i don't get it done... well, hey, i just didn't have the time, right? lame excuse...
oh, and a shoutout to all the boys in vegas. i hope they had a great weekend. i just wish huey had gone. he woulda had so much fun. he sent a $100 with peters for something or another, but i don't know what it was for. maybe to bet on something, maybe to buy everyone drinks... or maybe it was for barkley? i don't know... they wouldn't tell me cuz i'm a girl. stupid being a girl... it's just not fiar. i can't wait to see everyone at the wedding in a few weeks!! we're going to go up a day earlier than we planned since huey didn't go to vegas. that way we can see everyone a little longer and do some siteseeing around asheville. which is where i think the wedding is but i can't quite remember right now. but first........ work. blah.
posted by megs at 15:35
i realized last night that, while my brain may not have fully realized it yet, i'm going to be in the middle of a full on freak out in may. there is just too much stuff coming up that will all have to be happening in that month. first is music midtown, which it's safe to say i won't be going to, and that fuckin sucks. because i really wanted to. stupid work. then the next weekend is wedding!! that is fun!! but once again... requires time off of work, which is bad bad when you need big saturdays to reach your commission. then the very next weekend, our new apartment opens up. once again, see the saturday commission thing. i won't be able to move til the next weekend, whatever that is... at least we have from the 15th all the way til the end of the month to get everything moved. it's just that it's a long way to move (kinda) and it's not something we'll want to make a 1000 trips doing. then, just to stress me out some more, let's throw in the fact that all my paperwork for application to school has to be filed by the end of may also. alright, throw it all in and turn on the blender!! that's how my stomach feels just thinking about all this crap.
so i think after i get these transcriptions done and do my taxes, then that will be the end of my april hurdles. i'll be able to start minutely planning for all these may activities and drive myself nuts figuring out details that can't actually be determined until much, much closer to the actual dates of all this stuff happening. oh, i can feel the list making coming on again. except instead of coming home with me on scraps of scitrek receipt tape, it'll be on random little cards and flyers from tmobile. argh!! and i still have to clean off the wipeboard from december where i made a very detailed schedule of everything happening for both huey and i the week before the christmas party. i guess i'm a little neurotic about this stuff. it's just that things have to get done or... well, i hadn't actually considered what would happen if i didn't take control of this kind of stuff and plan it out minute by minute. i assume we would still get moved. we'd still make it to the wedding okay. and i have a whole month to get my stuff in for school and it's only like a couple of things that need to be sent there. really it's no big deal, right? hmmm... maybe i'll try it this way for once. no lists... no schedules... no worries!!
yeah right. we'll see. gotta finish april stuff first.
posted by megs at 09:47
so yeah. new job. it's not so bad. i'd definitely call it one of those full immersion type of deals. kind of throw you in there and you sink or swim. except it's a little trickier. because it's not just about swimming. i'm swimming... i'm doggy paddling all over the fuckin place. the problem is the whirlpools, sharks, coral reef you can get stuck on... well, you get the picture. i'm feeling booby trapped because i just don't know much about these phones and i need time to learn about all the policies and procedures that are behind setting up activations, doing renewals, etc. so that i can intelligently answer questions about it. it's so frustrating.
it's like having no arms, being given a shovel and told to dig. oh, like the movie with owen wilson and jackie chan, and he gives him chopsticks to dig himself out when he's buried in up to his neck. that's how i feel. i know i could do this stuff, and i could stumble around and slowly dig myself out of this, but it would be much easier if i could just be given all the information upfront instead of stumbling upon it all the time here and there so that it's harder to remember. i don't know... maybe this is all part of the training regimen. throw you totally off balance so it just all seems so easier later.
funny thing is the area the store's in. woodstock and acworth aren't too bad... but you start getting up north of there and yikes. i've seen more mullets the last few days than i'd seen yet this whole year. it's crazy. and i'm talkin men, women, and children! we get a really diverse customer base in there... it's fun. you'll get someone who doesn't speak any english, then a business guy, a pierced up/tattooed kid, and then some family lady housewife. one right after the other.
so anyways, apart from job... well, that's it for now. i either open or close. open means getting up at 6:30 to be out of the house by 7:45 and up there by 8:30. and that's just when i'm carpooling with jaylee. some days i'll have to drop off huey first and be even earlier. then i get off at 5:30. yay. by that time i'm totally exhausted when i get home. i have to break the nap after work cycle. not good. now, closing is 11:30 to 8:30. which is a real conundrum for the days i have to drive huey to work and then myself. because he has no way of getting home in the evening then. unless he rides marta or catches a ride. so i'm at work 9 hours, with an hour of commute time.... i'm pretty pooped by the time i get home. and i have these damn transcriptions needing to be done. and no will to sit here and listen to someone drone on. i'll have to just work on them on sunday.
which should also be funny. my family is having another drama so huey is bailing on easter with us. it kinda sucks, which i didn't really make crystal clear to him, but i don't want him to think i'm nagging which is what he ususally says the minute i start talking to him about coming to some family event of mine. but this is a big holiday... oh well. i can't make him go. and he really does have work to do. plus this time is going to totally suck so i'm actually going to try to bail out early too, so i won't have to participate in any interventions.
and lastly, it being holy thursday and all, and me being catholic (kind of), well, i figured i'd at least mentioned that i remembered it was a holy day since i didn't actually do anything about it. and tomorrow being good friday and all, i figured i'll just mention that to someone too and maybe get out of work early since jaylee isn't going to be there. by the way... the whole thing with archibishop donaghue announcing that all that catholics in his region can only wash men's feet during the foot washing ceremony on holy thursday has raised quite an uproar. first of all, there are all those people (like most of my friends) who are going "you have a ritual in church where you wash each others feet? what the fuck??" so after explaining that and them just lookin at me like 'whateva, weirdo' it then becomes an issues of why just men can participate. and i just don't know the answer to that.
as far as i know, women have been participating for years. and i understand that the disciples were 12 guy friends of jesus, but the bible was written by men during and about a time that focused entirely on men and considered women just a part of the backdrop. being so literal in the interpretation... well, it's just stupid. i completely disagree with it. but i did not go join any silent protests or any of that kind of stuff tonite because frankly, i'm more of an ask me how i feel and i'll tell you kind of person than an active protestor. as if catholics weren't already considered big enough freaks... let's publicly discuss some silly foot hygeine ritual we have every year, rile up the feminists in the process, and then protest to draw even more attention to ourselves. *sigh* i just don't care that much.
posted by megs at 23:07
so there's good news and bad news...
we all already know the bad news. tech ate it big time last night. it was painful to watch. i was literally wincing everytime uconn stretched that lead out. it really is too bad, after all that hard work. i guess the only thing left to say is, better luck next year.
*moment of silence*
and now for the good news! i had orientation today. it was dull as most orientations are. just sat in a conference room with four other new hires and filled out a whole lot of paperwork. then we went through this huge three ring binder of power point slides while a regional manager gave a presentation. it seemed like it took a really, really long time. but really it was only two hours all together. and we get paid for a full eight for showing up, so joy! plus i got my cool new work shirts. i can't express how incredibly happy i am to finally be out of red shirts. i've had to wear red uniform shirts for so long that i almost forgot they come in other colors. i've always, always hated red shirts. and the last two years only magnified that for me. but now i'm in nice whites and blacks, which is a relief.
unfortunately, tongue rings are not acceptable on the sales floor, so i'm going to have to get a clear plug for mine but those things suck cuz you can't eat with them and they pinch your tongue. it'll be a pain in the ass switchin out all the time but you gotta do what you gotta do. also, any more than two piercings an ear is considered "excessive"... so i guess that means my five in each ear is no good. another thing i'll have to take out and put back in every day. but i guess it's worth it because this job should be good for me. it's good pay for sure. and i know huey and jay expect me to do really well with this. they keep saying it's a nobrainer kind of job. i guess we'll see. yay for me and my new job!!
so i start tomorrow. and easter is this sunday. i've always loved easter. everyone dresses up their kids in this cute little frilly dresses with hats and little gloves, lacy socks and mary janes. or the boys get into little shirts and bowties with suspenders or little dockers and dress shirts. it's so cute. then they take them outside, give them a basket and send them rolling around in grass for candy or other toys on an easter egg hunt. and they are always surprised when little billy or mary comes back with grass stains and dirt all over their new easter clothes. duh.
but easter has lots of yummy stuff going on. holidays are just so much fun in general. before i know it, it'll be may. and there's the wedding, which will be fun because i'll get to see all my college friends again. and it'll probably be the last time for awhile. the christmas party will be the earliest, and that's even if we have it again. it's still up in the air. and after that is moving, which will be a month long ordeal i'm sure, what with all the packing, actual moving, and unpacking. not to mention the two month settling in process where everything gets painted, fixed up, etc. it'll be a little crazy, but fun.
huey decided that vegas was something that he just couldn't do, even though i tried to talk him into it. he's just stressed about all the moving expenses and taxes, etc. that we have to pay this month, and he decided it just wasn't worth it. i think it's sad, and i can't say i'd have made the same decision, but i support him in it. there's no point in getting in an argument over me trying to make him go to vegas to gamble and look at naked girls. huh... i sound like either a total weirdo or the best girl friend ever. so lots of busy stuff coming up, and i'm excited. spring is totally all about change, and i've got lots of it on the horizon. which is great, because that's the point this year.
keep it comin... i'm ready for it!!
posted by megs at 15:24
alright! game's tonite! i'm super excited. i got so into the last game that i actually hurt my hand. when that guy from the other team hit that three pointer to tie up in the last minute. i was uber pissed. and i was outside on the porch at the time so i jumped up and hit the glass and was all like NOOOO!!! apparently beer doesn't make that kind of thing hurt any less. but the win a few minutes later made it okay again. so i'll be there tonite, in front of the tv with my tech shirt on, beer in hand, maybe some burgers on the grill, cheering my ass off and lookin like a fool... no wait, i mean lookin like a fan. :o)
in other good news. we saw the house yesterday. it was a little weird b/c we drove up and the neighbor has a ton of shit all over the front of the house, kind of spilling over into the front of the house we want. the landlord explained that the guy's mom or aunt or someone had died and he'd moved everything of hers to his place temporarily until he could figure out what to do with it all. ummm... okay. so we went in and looked around. the living room has this one wall that is decked out in rough cut wood paneling. it's very... cabin like. and this huge lumber mantel over the fireplace, which is gas! i liked it very much. and the bedrooms and everything check out, and it has an eat in kitchen area and a whole dining room, so that's just even more space to make into something or another. and then there's the whole room in the basement for huey and his computers. now, the only problem is the lack of a fifth room that we were going to dub the "art room" for all of mine and josh's crap. instead there is a little six by six area that can only be accurately described as a hole and then a big long walk in closet. and a huge bathroom on the bottom floor. which is weird. it was funny, we walked into the basement "computer room" and there was a lawn chair pad laying on the floor with a sheet, some magazines, and an ashtray with some butts in it. i guess someone has been squatting there? it was very funny. and the garage is full of shit... all the neighbors. apparently since the place has been vacant so long he's just kind of moved his shit over into the other place... like his washer and dryer, an extra microwave, etc. it'll all be gone before we move in though. so it was kind of weird, but the landlord seems cool (and lenient) and the place grew on me once i started to really think it through. not what i was expecting but hey, you gotta adapt. and i'm really excited about getting to live there, atlanta skyline and all. so yeah, pretty good news on that front.
and that's it for now. GO TECH!!
posted by megs at 14:42
posted by megs at 20:22
busy and procrastinating..... cuz that's how i do it.....
wow! tech is in the final four. GO JACKETS!! this is all very exciting. sure i know i didn't graduate from tech so they aren't technically my team. but i spent the most time at that college. in fact, i spent 3.5 years there. so i think that at least allows me to pick them as my college of choice when it comes to sports. and it's funny how you can not really watch basketball for five or six years and you still understand what it going on. i like that. i always did like basketball though... i just got too much of it. anyway, huey has to work this afternoon so i might go watch the game with all the superfans since they were nice and allowed me to go. and my brother is comin down to watch the game. so we both might go down there. or we might sit here and watch... who knows.
other plans for this weekend... dogwood festival!! i love the dogwood festival. i just have to remember to set my clock forward tonite so that i don't get up too late. it's house hunting in the morning and dogwood festivaling in the afternoon. they have an amazing collection of local artists at this thing every year and i just wish i had money to buy some of this stuff. but it's all really, really expensive. which makes me wonder how they ever sell any of it. i mean, it's the kind of stuff you'd buy and then put out on your balcony overlooking the beach so that everyone who walked by could see it and say "wow, they are sooo... cultured" or something like that. and then the weather is so nice today that i just know it'll be better tomorrow. maybe i can finally get rid of this stupid tanline from california.
and then there are those lurking two transcriptions. hmmmm... you know what i really want? my picture blog to start working again. i think i'll be able to get some great pictures this weekend. suck. i'll have to have huey look at it if he has time. but i know he's stressed with all this work he's been doing. and i don't want to stress him out too much more. right now my main purpose is to be punching bag until he gets through the stressful stuff, but without taking too much offense to being a punching bag. and i can do that. so yeah, transcriptions... gotta get to work.
posted by megs at 10:18
woo hoo!! jay called the man with the house we want to rent today. super good news. apparently he has two of the 4/5 bedroom stand alone units. we thought he only had one. bad news. he already rented out one of them. poo. but... he says that if we can commit to moving in by june 1st, then he will give us the one that is left at the same price that he just rented out the other. sounding good again. he just rented out the other at $1200/month. oh holy shit!! that's fuckin amazing. suddenly we are looking extremely set up in our new home and i'm looking forward to moving. which is completely not like me because i hate moving, with a passion. it's expensive, messy and tedious. and i hate carrying shit up and down stairs for hours at a time. actually, i wish we could just move like we did last time. we got everything loaded into the truck, got it here to the new place and then just kind of balked at having to carry it all up the stairs. so angel and i went out to buy essentials (food, beer, toilet paper) and colin and steve just took care of all the heavy stuff. in fact, that was one of the best moving experiences i've ever had.
so anyway, the other kind of scary but really amazing thing is this... i thought our lease ended at the end of june. so we were going to overlap june in the two places to give us plenty of time for all this moving crap. come to find out after i pulled out the lease and gave it a once over... we are actually done may 31st. oh holy shit. now it's kinda scary. that means we have to move in like 5 or 6 weeks. and that's really really scary. we have so much stuff. but it's really really exciting, because we'll be in a new place. but then we have taxes coming up, and huey going to vegas, and a wedding to go to. oh my... my head is spinning. i'm worried but excited all at the same time and it's kinda making me giddy. this has to be the most disjointed and pointless post i've ever put up. i take that back. i usually don't make sense. but that's okay cuz i'm moving into a house!!!
i have to pack. expect many more posts about me and my nazi-esque cleaning and packing type procedures and how i'm making everyone else's life hell. i'm such a control freak, i live for big things like this.
posted by megs at 16:54
because everyone needs money now and again...
it's about damn time. i finally got the job. the heart attack guy got back to work and granted me the interview that i needed to be eligible for hire. it's not like i was really all that worried about the delay but huey was startin to get on my nerves with that whole 'when are you gettin a job' nonsense. i have been outta work 2 weeks and just finally got my last paycheck from my old job. that doesn't even hold a candle to my infamous three month job hunt 2 years ago. anyway, i like the heart attack guy. he's straight up and i can relate to that. i'm really excited about getting to do this finally but i think i've lost that nervous tension you get with a new job feeling. i got nervous everytime when i thought it was done and i was going to be starting over the last 2 weeks, and kind ran all that energy out. now i just kind of feel like, okay, i'm ready, let's go. which is good. i hope i do well. i'm keeping my fingers crossed. everyone wish me luck!! or just come in and buy a phone. (see how i slipped that in there... the sales pitch has already begun. i'm so sneaky)
and i know what some of you are thinking but no... me getting a job is not an april fool's joke. jerks. it's for real. it would be funny if they called back and said "ha ha. april fool's! you're not really hired at all." well, it'd be kinda funny. in that really sucky way where you wish it was happening to someone else.