i woke up this morning exhausted. mentally and physically exhausted. what did i do last night to make me so deflated? i stayed late at work. we had some guys come in and strip and rewax the back rooms at work where there is what i loosely call an employee lounge (sink, microwave and fridge but nowhere to sit down), the bosses desk (actually part of the employee lounge as well), the bathroom (with a door so thin that you can hear everyone peeing from right outside in the loosely named employee lounge or the boss' desk), storeroom and saferoom. they started around 8 when we closed, and someone had to stay to make sure they didn't steal stuff, etc. and also to turn on the alarm when they left.
me being a newly bestowed key master because one of my esteemed colleagues got married and moved to california and i was next on the food chain, and because my birthday is tomorrow, i decided i would suck it up and stay late. my boss said if i just stayed the extra two or 2.5 hours i could take those off early on my birthday, so i'd be home at like 2pm. which is all the better because i can then start drinking right away. unfortunately, we forgot the rule that any company that charges by the hour will always stretch how long it takes their job out as long as fucking possible. meaning i was there until 1:45 in the morning. over five hours later than needed.
not one to get mad, and being entirely too tired to complain, i just set the alarm, locked up and came home. but i had to open this morning too so i had to be back at 8:30, which meant waking up at 7. it was horrible. for some reason i was exhausted. i'm used to going on very little sleep, but today i just wasn't feeling it. my only consolation is that i do get to make those 5 hours up elsewhere. today i left at 1:30 (and came straight home and slept til 6) and tomorrow i get to leave at 2:30. so i'm still getting off early for my birthday.
overall it worked out great at minimal cost to myself. i'm now refreshed and ready to go watch spidey-man 2 tonite at the midnite showing. it should be great. i'm really excited. it is a perfect way to start my birthday. then i open tomorrow and have a relatively short day. on another happy note, i made quota on my first full quota month at work. in fact, i made it and then a few more. so i'm happy about that too. that will be a pretty decent commission check to be expecting at the end of july. that with the three transcriptions i have in my possession should be perfect for pimpin my ride.
my god, could you imagine me taking a car on pimp my ride? i'd be like, ummm... why is the underside of my car glowing?? i don't listen to CD's anymore, i don't need a disc changer. how can i watch tv in the car while i'm driving?? i'm too practical for anything like that. but i am going to try to make my car as fun as possible and as functional as possible (that would mean all the aforementioned broken stuff working). for now... now, it is dinner time.
posted by megs at 19:31
yeah, i know... it's been awhile. but i've been working hard, honest. i've had family birthdays to attend, working all the time, transcriptions to do, cars to buy... oh yeah, i bought my car!! sort of. i'm waiting for the signed title to come up to me right now. maybe then it will feel more like mine. minor problems with the car include: no radio, power locks not working, power seats fud up, air is either full blast or not at all. i have listed those in the order of importance to myself of course. that is the order i have to get things fixed in. and of course, it is such a boat of an old person's car right now that i have to get something really stupid in the way of seat covers or interior decorations so that it is more fun to drive. we'll see how all that goes.
for brad's bday we went to andretti speed lab. i didn't race the cars because i've been doing so well with not speeding lately that i figured going 60 around a track in a little car was pretty pointless. i'm a slow driver now. what i did do was the zip line. consdering how scared i am of heights, i must say that it was quite an achievement for me. first we had to get fitted into the spelunking harness or whatever (the rock wall climbing butt floss thingy) and walk all funny out to the area where there was a 30 foot rope ladder going straight up to a platform in the air. the rope ladder was just wide enough to fit both feet on (about 8 inches wide) so it was a pain in the ass to get up. especially when i start shaking so bad about 3 rungs from the top because i looked down. i always thought that was just something they say, but honestly it really is a bad idea. to reiterate... never look down!!
i had to be dragged up the last few feet by the big guy up top and crumpled into a humiliating heap for about two minutes trying not to pass out and refusing to stand up. once i got over that, i stood up, got strapped in and was totally ready to go. when it came time to go, angel and i went at the same time trying to race to the other end. i actually jumped off the platform and i think she hesitated, so i won. i was very proud of myself but honestly i think i just knew it would be easier to zip to the end of the line than to try to go back down the freakin rope ladder. i was eager to get my feet back on the ground.
and for my 25th birthday, i am going to go to trivia. i just couldn't think of anything else to do on a wednesday night. i know, i know, people everywhere are slapping their foreheads going cmon, megs! you only turn 25 once!! do something fun already! gladly folks, just point me in a direction. i'm fresh out of ideas and don't think spending a night among friends and family doing something i enjoy is a horrible idea. but if there is anything i should do special to commemorate my 25th, please share. i just might give it a try.
posted by megs at 00:36
my birthday is creeping ever closer. just a week now. i haven't pulled it's my birthday month!! with the birthday dance out once this year. maybe i really am growing up? ah! that could mean i'm growing old!! no, i guess maybe i'm more mature. i consider this a pretty important birthday milestone. the last three were just kind of there, but 25 is a whole quarter century now. i haven't had a really important birthday since i was 21. i'd like to think i've changed a lot since then. but... maybe not as much as i would have liked. i guess i'm making the same mistakes. i still haven't finished school. before i was running around with no direction. now at least i know which way to go. at 21 i guess i still took people for granted and expected things to always be the way they were. now i know how fragile it all can be and how important it is to hold on to what you cherish. one of my (male) friends told me the other day that women have it hard because men just get better with age. maybe he's right in the long run, but i'm 25. technically, i'm less than a third of the way through my life. basically, i'm just getting started. it took me a long time to realize that, but i think i get it now because it means more to me than it would of four years ago. i've been a happy 24, but i'm excited about 25.
posted by megs at 10:37
knowing a little is a lot if everyone else knows nothing...
this is how i feel at work sometimes. people come in, ask questions, you start spurting off stuff about gsm and gprs technology, and they just go ooooooooh. unfortunately, being able to recite something doesn't always mean you know anything about it. and i hate when people do that normally because it is clear they are full of shit. but sometimes you have to be full of shit to make a little money, my job being a perfect example.
but what i was really thinking about was how much useless information i have gathered about nintendo related stuff from huey. i know stupid things about game boy, gba sp, the new game boy coming out this fall, and the gamecube. things normal people don't know. things normal girls don't know. so i can wow the people i work with by regurgitating this stuff and knowing what a rom cart is and how a link cable works, etc. it's so dumb. i want to wow people with my knowledge of philosphy or something... not game systems.
also, we finally set the date for our housewarming party. this saturday. yes, i know it is short notice. deal with it. we are trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that we can actually only park three or four cars in our driveway (besides ours of course) and that we live on a very narrow road on top of a blind hill. so that cuts out any street parking. after much discussion, our master plan is to have people show up, direct them to the apt. complex about 300 feet down the street, then shuttle them back up the hill to the house. sounds good in theory, but i don't know how well it will work. actually, it sounds horrible in theory, but it's our only option. hey, at least we are tyring to plan ahead a little bit.
and i'm still waiting on my car. or more appropriately, the money to pay for the car. it is now parked up here in georgia. jay's dad had to go on a trip and was flying out of atlanta (he lives in fla) so he drove it up here. now it'll just sit here til i get the money together. and then i will own my first car!! is this one of those items on the list of things that make you an adult?? maybe not. but it will make me feel very good. and it will mark off an item on the ever-important ten things i will do this year list. that list is constantly being updated, and maybe when i get it finalized i will post it here. i had a rough draft some months ago, but things change too much not to adapt.
apart from this, my life is very dull recently. or monotonous. work, come home, unpack something. it seems this last task is never ending. i swear, packed boxes spawn at night and things you are sure you threw away three years ago suddenly appear in them. it's driving me nuts. but luckily there is plenty of room for everything so it's only a matter of time before everything is in its place. and that will also be a very good thing. all of this dullness has not inspired me to really write much lately. by dull of course i mean everything is going well and i'm pretty satisfied overall with how things are. drama is always more blog-worthy. for now, i'm going to go watch pride and prejudice. 6 hour period BBC mini-series rock.
posted by megs at 21:03
oh man i'm so pissed...
i hate feeling like i've been taking advantage of. and that's how i've felt all day. you know how something can happen that will throw your whole day off kilter? a perfect example is a disgruntled customer coming into work and bitching me out about something that got fucked up on their account. most of the time the people are idiots and messed it up themselves and don't understand what they did wrong. but sometimes its the companies fault so yours by association, and you feel horrible seeing how they are getting screwed over and you are helpless to actually do anything about it because you are a lowly peon on a very tall totem and can't even figure out how to get rid of the ants that are plaguing the break room. and it just messes up your head for the entire day. it does me at least.
so back to this issue... i'm all off kilter now because i've had a hellacious day trying to get some crap off of my computer. some sort of hijacking/trojan program that somehow popped up today. first off, i noticed that lots of common words, like car, movies, insurance, etc. were all underlined in green and made into a link on every single webpage i went to. i was like, what?? how can someone put a program on my computer that can do that? then i realized there are a lot of people out there a lot smarter than me who live to mess with people like me. so of course, it bothered me. i asked huey, he said i had spyware. so i thought i'd do a little research and fix it myself. i'm so resourceful.
so i pop over to google to do a search, and instead of popping up a results page with actual helpful information, it pops up this page that looks exactly like a google results page but instead puts whatever you queried into the titles of all these stupid links where you can buy information or pay for programs or even (and this is the funny part) buy spyware!! okay... so not only do i have miscellaneous links on all my pages, but now google is all fud up. how how how!!!
the funny thing about this google-look alike search page.. you go down to the bottom to go to the next under the gooooooooogle thing, and it takes you to the actual first page of your google results. so someone is just clever, not completely messing everything up but making it very obvious to you and anyone else who cares that they can do this. and i hate that! i'm totally taking advantage of, just hangin out there in the wind waitin for someone other jerk to come along and do something even more malicious with there stupid programs.
anyways, after wasted hours of reading and researching, i did find a program to get it off of my computer and it all seems to be working correctly now. i've gotten a number of other pesky spyware programs off in the process as well. i just hate the idea of being watched on the internet, wishing that some things in life are still private... but i'm a realist. after all this, i'm sure i'll end up with some other stuff on here despite all my efforts to the contrary. but at least i learned some today.
and yes, this did slow me down on getting my transcriptions done too. so it actually cost me money, because time is money. man... i feel so taken advantage of. i hate that.
posted by megs at 18:15
one quick note before i fly to work...
we went to see harry potter last night. the midnight opening showing. and i was absolutely amazed at the number of people, of all ages, were dressed up in some way. i'm talking whole families, from the pre-schooler, to the teen, to the parents, had on capes and wigs. teenagers were running around in giggly little groups with lightening bolts on their heads and waving stupid looking wands. it was a freakin madhouse. cereal, i've never seen so many people dress up for any premeire that i've been to, including matrix and star wars movies. i'm mean sheesh!!
but the movie did rock. very dark, and i like that. i can't wait to go see it again!!
posted by megs at 10:57
shhhh... it's my birthday month....
normally, this time of year, i'd be dancin around yellin to everyone the great news... it's my birthday month! because of course the whole month leading up to my birthday is practically as important as the birthday itself. but this year... well, let's just say that i'd rather it snuck up on me. because i'm turning 25. TWENTY-FIVE!! that's a quarter century. it sounds soooo.... old.
how will 25 be different from being 24? i don't know, but i don't want to find out. i can already feel that something crazy is going to happen, like i'm going to become a normal, rational adult or something. and i don't want that. not at all. i like being immature and getting away with it. watching cartoons and laughing at fart jokes. playing with video games and saving up for toys. i nurture my inner child and give it free reign over everything so that it doesn't throw any tantrums. i just love being a kid.
but i'm not a kid anymore. and it sucks. and it's only going to get worse. and there's nothing i can do about it. there is one thing to look forward to of course. on the birthday, you get presents. and i love presents. i love surprises of any kind. there's nothing i want right now for my birthday, so there should be some good surprises. well, a car... but that's my birthday present to myself. and i get to have a party. and that's a great part of the birthday too. i'm really excited about that. brad and i are both hitting big milestones (he's 30) so we'll have to do something worth remembering.
well, maybe growing older doesn't have to equal growing up. maybe this is one part of my life that i do have control over. maybe june 30th will come and go and i won't feel any different at all. well, here's to hoping...