by Megs, for Megs



Huey's WebSite
cool because he built it himself
My Nephew's Band
i don't know much about it, but he's cool
In Passing...
things overheard out there
Some Guy's Page
i have no words. just check it out


07/01/2002 - 08/01/2002

08/01/2002 - 09/01/2002

09/01/2002 - 10/01/2002

10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002

11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002

12/01/2002 - 01/01/2003

09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003

12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004

02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004

03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004

04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004

05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004

06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004

07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004

08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004

09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004

03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005

04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005

05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005

06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005

04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006

05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006

06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006

07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006

08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006

09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006

10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006

11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006

12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007


*fill in something clever yourself*


downtime at the habitat for insanity

we have half inflated air mattress, blankets and pillows piled up in the sitting room. if you fall right in the middle it poofs up around you like you are a big hotdog, or in a rubber taco.

so if someone else comes and jumps on the edge of that, it blasts you a foot into the air. climb in and do this over and over. now that is time well spent.


posted by megs at 20:22

hit me... hit me again... hit me again... hit me again...

what? this isn't blackjack??

that was about my mentality when i went into the poker game last saturday night. i even took forever getting over there just because i didn't want to play. i suck at poker. i'm not good at bluffing. yes, bluffing is lying. i know this. but i'm horrible at it. because i just don't care.

also, i hate playing things i'm bad at. especially if money is involved. $20 isn't a bad price to pay for a fun filled saturday evening. if you are actually having fun. if it isn't fun, then you are just very slowly and painfully giving away $20 to your friends in quarter increments. i have a very short attention span and very little tolerance for this kind of stuff.

but i went, i played... and i actually didn't do shitty. i got there at 9 and we played until 3 am. which i thought was amazing. yeah, it's slow, but there are some fun times. mostly i just folded and then was like crap, that would have been a good hand. besides, then i could watch everyone else play which is fun. it's like watching celebrity poker but at lower stakes. these are people you know but they take on a whole different persona at a poker table.

they all get very stoic, serious, and super sly. there was a saddening lack of funny, dark sunglasses though. granted, i didn't bring any. but i doubt they would have helped me. jay had on a massive pair ala tom cruise in top gun. the huge aviators. and then josh and huey had the intimidating cigarette hanging from their bottom lips just to look cool (and i guess intimidating). peters was just very very serious the whole time.

and then hannah, mia and i were just kind of there for fun. we cheered for people who had really great hands. not like polite good loser clapping, but actually girly squealing, bouncing up and down in your seat YAY! for whoever had just done well, especially if it was one of the other girls. what can i say, we are supportive.

all in all, i walked in with $20 (of huey's money) and walked out with $70 total (because huey let me keep his $20). not bad for a first timer. beginners luck. i am very sure i'll be losing my $20 from here on out. so i got three more times of playing before i'm actually in the hole. after that, i'll probably lose interest again.

but i just wanted to brag about this one time. because i really did feel good that i actually made some money. huey walked out with $90+ and i think peters was around $30+. so i was in the middle i guess. not bad overall. go me. expect me to be whistling a very different tune next time, because everyone will be gunning for me. oh well... nice while it lasted.


posted by megs at 17:09

it's hotter than hades in here...

sorry it's been so long. but something has happened in the past 9 days that has made life chaotic and practically unbearable... the air conditioning has gone out. twice. during a run of 90+ degree weather. fuck me.

the first time we were all just sitting here at home, watching tv, thinking quietly in our heads, it is kind of warm in here. huh. it was kind of warm in here. finally someone said it out loud. i was just thinking that. duh. we get up and look at the thermostat, and it's pushing 85. no shit it's kind of warm in here. not quite the frigid high 60's we are used to.

i think it was actually hotter upstairs in our rooms, and that night of sleeping was awful. you have the ceiling fan on high, a fan in the window sucking in the much cooler nighttime air, and are just lying flat out on the bed with nothing touching you but cool air cuz it is just too damn hot to even breathe right now. this went on for two nights before they fixed everything.

two days later, it was broken again. this time we decided that sweating it out just wouldn't work, so huey went and got some window air conditioners from some guy he knows. the main level of our house is nice and cool. but the upstairs is like an attic in summer. and that's where all the bedrooms (and therefore the showers and clothes) are. we pulled out our air mattresses and have crashed on floors, couches, and half inflated air mattresses the last few days, having what could only loosely be described as a slumber party (no prank calls or party games, but definitely midnight snacks), and going upstairs as little as possible.

right now, my back and neck are killing me. but at the same time, the a/c guy is outside right now installing a brand new unit. so i can't complain. one point of interest is that he looks kind of familiar.... like santa clause.... crazy, deranged, lunatic santa clause.. plucking a banjo and wielding a very big piece of lead pipe. he's big, with a white beard, and his cheeks are rosy (or flushed from the 90 degree heat and work he's doing) but it's all very creepy too. santa clause, in the conservatory, with the lead pipe... i'm glad i'm not here by myself right now.

ah shit, he just walked in the front door. i almost peed my pants. i'm psyching myself out. i'm going to go check on his progress. if he returns my bedroom to a normal mid 70's temperature, he'll be my savior.


posted by megs at 10:31


so the birthday came and went....

and i can honestly say, it was the best birthday ever.

it's amazing. the way you can plan a birthday celebration. make a list. decide on a place. call everyone. and then it comes down to it and you are sitting at this restaurant with two other people just hoping you aren't saving a table for 20 for nothing. after an hour of waiting... and then 23 people show up.

if life was measured in quantity, this birthday was a success. i got everyone to come. and that felt good. but even better than that, i think everyone who came actually had fun. i hope so at least, because i was trying my darndest to get around, sit with everyone and talk. and i think i did that. and people i never expected to be there showed up. and it felt good.

they told the trivia guy it was my birthday. so he announced, over the loudspeaker, to everyone. megan, he said, happy 25th birthday. what shot do you want? being stupid and maybe a little intoxicated at the time, i had a brain fart and yelled out jaeger because it was the last alcohol i had discussed out loud with someone. well, fuck me. a jaeger shot on the stage was a first, but fun. being sung happy birthday by a ton of drunks was not a first... but fun. and then the flaming birthday cake.

you know you are old when the flame from your candles actually starts to melt your birthday cake icing design on the top. i was rushing to spit them all out and it was just flaming up everywhere. i feared for my long hair. but candles out, i'm getting my wish...

and then i got some of the best presents this year. in order of appearance (but not importance) would be my tickets to party with the super fans at ga tech football games this year (i've always wanted to be a super fan)... and then my sushi set, so i can make my own (fully cooked) sushi, yay!! and then i got this kick ass mexican day of the dead mask that i love. and eventually, i'll be receiving DC seasons 1,2,& 3 in the mail (along with the extended seasons finale). i'm such a geek.

after trivia we went and did karaoke. the karaoke guy found out it was my birthday and had me come up and sing green acres with my brother. not only do i not know the words, but i don't even know the tune. i was a little confused and not seeing the connection. after that, i sang my karaoke song (badly this time) but it was very appropriate so i had to do it anyway....

Twenty five years and my life is still
trying to get up that great bill hill of hope
for a destination

so yeah... like i said. my birthday.

it rocked. it rocked the big one.


posted by megs at 02:58

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