pet emergency hospitals suck almost as bad as human ones...
one positive thing is that it wasn't crowded. there's nothing worse than going to the hospital and being there for six hours, mostly just waiting. in fact, we were the only ones there last night... the only ones with extraordinarily bad luck for the evening.
huey was walking dylan around 4 in the morning out behind the house in her normal spot. the entire hill behind us is covered in ivy and she likes to go there because it offers her more privacy. peters just said a week ago that it was a good place for snakes to be hiding. the likelihood seems so small. of course dylan, being so incredibly curious, walked right up and over one. huey said she didn't yelp but she just kind of jumped up and backwards, turning around and running back down the hill. she came back down to him, sat down, and just held up her hurt paw.
we figured she'd pulled something. we checked the pads of her feet, thinking maybe she'd cut herself. we didn't see any kind of bite or blood or anything. she wasn't whining or acting like it hurt. but she started shaking poor thing, and that freaked us out. i think she was going into shock. so we ran her over to the emergency vet and they took her right in. it took the nurse on duty about 2 seconds to find the snake bite which made me feel dumb like we shouldn't have missed it. but i think it had bled in the car ride over.
the best news they had is that dogs don't react to snake bites like people do. apparently they are a little more naturally immune to them. snake venom can cause blood coagulation problem or kidney failure, but they said it was rare and bringing her in so they could monitor these things gave her the best chance. most of the problems with snake bites is secondary infections and the like, but of course the iv and antibiotics will help with that.
basically they told us to just go home and they'd call us. that was at 6 this morning. the only thing we heard from them is when they called at 8 and told us that the specialist was in who would be doing dylan's bloodwork and they would be calling us later. here it is almost 2 and they haven't called. they said if it was a minor thing she'd probably be out in 12 hours. so i'm a little worried.
i thought i'd broken my pet curse. first nanners, then roofus. but cleo has made it for a long time. she is a trooper. poor dylan. i miss her so much already and am so worried for her. and this waiting and not knowing... there's a lump in my throat and a pain in my shoulders that i can't get rid of. my arms feel very heavy today. i'm so scared for my baby because i know how she is and how scared she must be. i just hope, since she was a pound puppy, that she doesn't think we left her there. i don't even know if dogs think like this.
so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and waiting for the call. hopefully any minute now.
lots of other fun stuff has happened in the past few days but i've been putting off posting because i've been trying to figure out a way to get the braves pictures up. when i hear my baby is okay, maybe i'll get to work on that stuff.
posted by megs at 13:39
take me out to the ball game... take me out to the crowds....
that's right folks. i went to my first braves game! my first professional baseball game ever!! yes, it was fun. in fact, i had loads of fun. i got to do the charge!! and sing take me out to the ball game during the seventh inning stretch.
in my opinion, there are two types of fans at the game.
number one would be me. the novice baseball person who is there because the tickets only cost a dollar and they want to hang out at the bar and drink. sure, drinks are $6 a pop, but it's the same you'd pay at any good bar in town and you get to see a baseball game live which seems to really make the guys happy.
second would be the intense fan who cheers for every pitch, every walk, every hit, and every scratched crotch. these guys are wearing the headphones so that they can hear the color commentary and the play by play while they are watching it. while you are zoning out, they will stand up screaming in the seat behind you and spill coke all down your front. or they will make lewd, crude comments the whole time in response to an announcer that is literally playing only in their ears. the key characteristic is that they are very annoying for anyone just there to have a good time.
in honor of my first major league baseball game ever, i had huey go buy me a big red braves finger thingy and i had everyone with me at the game and at my apt sign it. i plan to cherish it for years to come. it took me 25 years to get to a game... let's see how many beer soaked games this finger will last.
many pictures are soon to come. i just have to figure out how to get them all up here.
posted by megs at 01:47
holiday weekends that never end looooooong weekends can be so much fun. let me count the ways.
one is for the hour i was at work late on friday. some stupid shit happened with the computer and it kept saying a transaction was open. on top of that, i took a payment from someone for $152 and they only wrote me an $80 check. guess i was a little out of it that night. luckily, i met some of the kids for dinner afterwards, and we wrapped it all up with a stop by coldstone creamery and some of the fanatical fans stoppin by for mario kart action at our place. went to bed at about 2am.
two is the number of tv's that the fanatical fans had hooked up to a tank battery for tailgating saturday before the samford v. gatech game. yes, a tank battery. and it hummed when it overheated. they had one hooked to a playstation2 and the other to a satellite dish. the dish was fun to set up... we had stevens holding it above his head with half a dozen people screaming left, a little left! and the other half screaming down and to the right! right! good times. game was a blowout, huey and i both got sunburned, and all in all i'd say it was a successful gameday. three is for the deadly treo that kills most after game plans... too much sun, too little sleep and a dash of alcohol. i got home, told myself i was going to nap so we could have a poker game and then just lounged around. and lounged around. and lounged around. barkley and michelle came over, and i couldn't even entertain. i was done, done, done. i don't even remember going to bed, but i'm almost positive it's because i fell asleep on the couch first.
four is all the drinks it took me on sunday to finish off my little bottle of capt. watched a little football, played a few games. it was, once again, relaxing. then barkley, chuck, gary and jules came over to hang out too. it's nice seeing everyone again. after everyone left, hannah came over and we went over names for her new company. while there were many clever ones, i'm not putting them here for your punk asses to steal. we finished up the evening with a nice dinner at la paz before hitting the sack early around 1am.
five is the time i left in the am on monday. yes, i left my house at 5am. it sucked. i had to be at the 10K race by 6:00am to work at one of the sponsor's tent. it was really, really windy because of the weather coming up from the latest hurricane to hit florida. i don't think the sun ever rose and i was just waiting for the rain to come. our tent was right next to the finish line though, so we got to see people finish. people were running 6.2 miles in about 30 min. i think that is insane. especially if you know the course... cobb parkway from the galleria up to white water. we're talking 1 mile long hills, both up and down, over and over. ugh.
six is the number of hours i had to sit at said tent while it became painfully clear with every passing minute that people who just ran 6.2 miles up and down hills don't give a shit about whatever we are trying to sell in the tents, they just want to sign up for the raffle. we also raffled off six items... four aircards, an $800 pda phone and a dvd/vhs player. woo hoo.
seven is the number of doggie years in one people year. today is dylan's 14th (or two people years) bday. apart from singing to her many times today i decided she needed lots of bday toys and a bday outing. so i packed her in the car and took her to petsmart. i was a little worried about having her around so many people/dogs because she is so timid, but the weather kept most people away. we went around and picked out a new chain collar, lots of treats, a nice toothbrush/chicken toothpast combo, and a super fluffy hugemongous doggy bed. throw in a few toys that squeak and she is super spoiled. i was going to buy her a little blue and yellow striped sweater hoodie, but i saw huey and peters' reactions in my head and thought better of it.
eight is for the people who sat down in the garage monday evening for a poker game that was a bit overdue. it was me, huey, josh, cookies, peters, stephen, gary and jules. $5 buy in makes it more fun for everyone because you don't have to be that serious. we played from about 5 til 10. i ended up going out and buying in for another $7 midway through, only to finish with $36 total. go me. i hadn't actually left a table with money since that first time we played at hannah's. i think this puts me about even all around.
i'll end with nine because it is my lucky number.
nine is for... for... how old i felt considering what i spent most of my day doing. i bought harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban for gamecube. it was so much fun, i couldn't put it down. i'm such a geek. no, really... i am.
and that was my weekend in numbers. long, but fulfilling. i have to open at work tomorrow. that kind of sucks. but i need to get back in there and get some activations. it's the 8th tomorrow and i've only got 7 activations. i need 20 by the 15th to feel good.. not counting deacts. ugh. i hate stressing about this stuff. so i won't. gnite.
posted by megs at 23:48
sons of bitches...
nothing ruins your day like sitting down to watch robin hood: prince of thieves and realizing it is robin hood goes to el dorado
it's like someone just stole my lollipop. i thought i was being so good, putting it off before because i saw that it was going to be on again. i hit info, checked the other times it was going to be on and set a reminder. then i figured i'd just watch it after getting my work done first. when they list the times for a show right there under the info, they should check to make sure it isn't some other damn robin hood movie. i never had this kind of problem with comcast.
ooooooooh.... yeah, i said it. charter can suck my big toe.
posted by megs at 15:07
the title for my car came in the mail. it looks so official, i think i might have to frame it. unless of course i'm supposed to have it in the car all the time. i wonder if a frame of this size would fit in my glove compartment? maybe i could hang it off the back of my seat or something. it has a seal, some fancy border, a marbled background, and caligraphy lettering. sweet super sweet. thinking about it, i've never really owned anything big like this. my most substantial purchases up to this point have been a 21" TV and a mini fridge. everything else has been bought for me or handed down. it says on the title that my car is silver. i'd call it more of a champagne.
while all of this is very exciting, it is also a little depressing. i'm 25, and my three biggest purchases in life have been a tiny tv, a beer fridge, and a car that cost less than huey's laptop. or even less then my first computer (that was bought for me). *sigh* i won't let it get me down though. i do have $13,000 in student loans. so i guess i bought something there. we'll just call it experience for lack of a better word right now.
first football game of the season is this saturday. go tech!! i'm excited. but even better, angel called and told us about the buy one get one free offer for braves tickets they are running right now if you show a student id. this comes quite perfectly on the heels of a conversation we had just last night about how i still have never been to a braves game. everyone i know has gone to one, always leaving me out. so we are all going as a big family outing next friday night. the family is of course the apt here, along with whoever we want to invite, and not my actual family. we are kind of like the mob. i'll start referring to us as the family from now on.
and the family has been a little bigger lately. one of jay's coworkers had a bit of a lovers spat with his gf and ended up changing his mind about moving in with her. unfortunately, his lease is already up so that leaves him homeless. we're letting him crash on our couch for now. i'm afraid we are keeping him up too late all the time, but it's fun having him around. he's a good guy. considering i don't meet very many new people and even less that i actually like, steve gets a thumbs up from me.
and finally, on the work front, i just busted my ass the last six days to make up the 12 activations i needed to meet quota. luckily, people were sick and we were understaffed so i got my 12 plus an extra 7 more, so i'm sitting pretty for the month of august. the problem now is that i have tomorrow and saturday off, as well as sunday, so it is going to be the sixth of the month before i know it and i won't have any activations again. i have to get at least half of my quota before the 15th to qualify for something they cleverly call the faststart bonus. every month i start out behind like this and have to come back. granted, i do like competition and a challenge, but starting slow every month is costing me $200 a month. fuck me.